
Rafał Gorzycki - "Ślepi krążymy w zaułkach planety" for  for soprano & chamber ensemble

Recorded live -  07 12 2024  during ART MINTAKA  Festivalu in MOB  Bydgoszcz/Poland

Joanna Freszel - soprano
Dagna Sadkowska - violin
Michał Górczyński - clarinets
Piotr Nowicki - piano
Paweł Nowicki - percussion

Kamil Kęska - sound engineer

Jakub Zalewski - video

watch the video

Rafał Gorzycki - "SeCunda" monographic album

Classical latest composer`s album including:

1. Brekkek Kekkek performed by Mintaka Ensemble

2. People of Vool  performed by Ludzie z Vełny

3. Requiem performed by NeoQuartet

Released by Sagittaria /  Akademia Muzyczna im. F. Nowowiejskiego / Bydgoszcz 2024  / Poland (cd,  files, stream)

posłuchaj całego albumu - Spotify

Rafał Gorzycki - "Quasi, Quasi ZWEI" for two pianos 

Szczepan Kończal, Łukasz Trepczyński - pianos

Recording from the world premiere at the Silesian Contemporary Music Days.
K. Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice

listen/watch (YT)

Rafał Gorzycki - "Die Arien der Zeit " for soprano, piano, flugelhorn & electronics

Studio recording: 21.05.2024  -  Concert Hall of  Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz/Poland  

Dorota Nowak - soprani
Joanna Czapińska - piano
Tomasz Gluska - flugelhorn
Rafał Gorzycki - electronics

Kamil Kęska -sound engineer

listen/watch (YT)

Rafał Gorzycki - "Into the Calabiego-Yau Spaces" for flute, cello, guitar and tuba

Agnieszka Bartoszewicz  - flute
Gustaw Befaltowski -  cello
Marcin Chiliński -guitar
Robert Bartoszewicz  - tuba

Kamil Kęska - sound engineer

Recorded live -  09 12 2023  during ART MINTAKA  Festivalu in MOB  Bydgoszcz/Poland

watch on YouTube  - click/touch

Rafał Gorzycki - "II String Quartet" an aleatoric fugue


Kinga Politkowska - I violin
Joanna Tadzik - II  violin
Michał Edgar Kot - viola
Aleksandra Nowak  - cello

Jakub Woźniak - sound enginner

Recorded 30 april 2022:  Młyny Rothera -  Bydgoszcz/Poland

listen on MixCloud  - dotknij/kliknij

Rafał Gorzycki - "Stabat Mater " for soprano, clarinet, piano and percussion

Performence by Ludzie z Vełny:

Dorota Nowak - soprano
Mateusz Szwankowski/Borys Biniecki - clarinets
Joanna Czapińska - piano
Rafał Gorzycki - percussion

Zachariasz Zalewski - sound engineer

Recorded : march 2023 / Academy of Music -  Bydgoszcz/Poland

listen on MixCloud  - touch/click

Bydgoszcz`s Composers Collective- "Jazz for Mr Ives, Jazz for Mr Serocki " 

Latest Rafal Gorzycki`s album combining improvisation with composition and graphic scores:
Opus Series by Requiem Records , Warsaw 2023 (cd, files, stream)

listen and download the album for free - touch/click

Rafał Gorzycki - "REQUIEM"  for string quartet, electronics and speech synthesiser

Recording of the world premiere in  interpretation of  the NeoQuartet:


Karolina Piątkowska-Nowicka - I violin, Paweł Kapica - II violin, Michał Markiewicz - viola, Krzysztof Pawłowski - cello

Video- Krzysztof Gruse, Video editing - Jarosław Piskozub, Sound engineer - Kamil Kęska

Recorded live 17.12.2022 during IV Art Mintaka Festival 2022 Bydgoszcz/Poland

touch/click to watch REQUIEM

Rafał Gorzycki - "4 Places where Solace lies" for orchestra, soprano & electric guitar

Live recording from a   premiere performance  of  Rafal`s Gorzycki symphonic work  performed on  30.10.2022  in CKK Jordanki  - Torun/Poland

Dorota Nowak - soprano/ Kamil Pater -  electric guitar /Torun Symphony Orchestra/ Adam Banaszak - conductor

click/touch :YouTube

Rafał Gorzycki  Trio - "Mountain guardian"

Live recording of Rafał Gorzycki composition performed during International Jazz Day in Bydgoszcz/Poland on 30.04.2022

Irek Wojtczak - soprano sax / Jakub Królikowski - piano / Rafał Gorzycki - drums

click & watch on YouTube

click & listen on MixCloud

Rafał Gorzycki - "The Death of Mr S" (revised version 2022 - video)

In  2022  Rafał Gorzycki has revised his  composition  decicated to  Socrates and presented a new version  in Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz/Poland on may 8 2022

click & listen on YouTube

Bydgoszcz Composers Collective -  Jazz for Mr Ives, Jazz for Mr Serocki

Live video from Muzykofilia Festival:

watch full concert- YouTube

CD (album`s premiere, autumn  2022)

Audio files already available:
listen to the album - SoundCloud
download the album - BandCamp

Rafał Gorzycki - "Ereksjas" (video)

short piece from Rafal Gorzycki composed as a part of The Jubilee Suite - 40 Anniversary of Composition Faculty in Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz

click/touch and watch the video - YouTube

Ensemble Tuning XIII- "Muzyka na trzy instrumenty"/"Music for three instruments"

album by Opus Series (05.2021)

Tułów - audio - SoundCloud

Wełna - YouTube

click to download full album - BandCamp

Rafał Gorzycki - "Brekkek Kekkek"  

for a  harpsichord, french horn, oboe, accordion and percussion

full premiere  video recording of the quintet composition with painting from Bartłomiej Skolimowski  (02.2021)

watch a premiere video recording- Brekkek Kekkek

Rafał Gorzycki - Creating "Jets of Love"

it is a  making of  made by Jarosław Piskozub  about Rafał`s  orchestral work - "Jets of Love"  (01.2021):

watch the movie - Creating Jets of Love

Rafał Gorzycki -  4 latest  compositions from "Culture in the web " program of Polish ministry of Culture (08-10.2020):

1. Czy są na sali Stawonogi

1) video - YT

Rafał Gorzycki (music) & Svitlana Korova (painting - Metamorphoses) - 2020

Adam Olafsen - violin
Johann Singer, Michał Górczyński - clarintes
Jakub Królikowski - piano
Rafał Gorzycki - percussion , electronics

Click and listen on SoundCloud

2. Trzeci cień Bogurodzicy na perkusję solo

1) video - YT:

Composed and produced by Rafal Gorzycki (2020)

Rafał Gorzycki - drums, postproduction
Kamil Kęska - sound engineer
Painting - Stanisław Stasiulewicz ( "explozja" - oil on canvas - 2019)

Recorded in Concert Hall of Akadamia Muzyczna in Bydgoszcz/Poland

Click and listen on SoundCloud

3. A Ty?

1) video - YT

Piano quartet by Rafał Gorzycki composed in 2020 ( eng. And You?)

Maciej Danielak - violin
Michał Kot - viola
Kinga Bubel - cello
Michał Kurczewski - piano

Recorded on 03.10.2020 in Akademia Muzyczna in Bydgoszcz/Poland

Kamil Kęska - sound engineer , video recording
Marcin Bociński - mastering

Click and listen on SoundCloud

4. Bażant i żebrak

1) video - YT

"Bażant i żebrak" composed by Rafał Gorzycki in 2020 in cooperation with a painter Krzysztof Gruse

Music: Rafał Gorzycki - Bażant i żebrak (2020 )
Painting: Krzysztof Gruse - Chłopiec (oil on canvas - 2019)

Jakub Ziołek - electronics
Rafał Gorzycki - piano, postproduction

Łukasz Olejarczyk - sound engineer (Recpublica)

Click and listen on SoundCloud

Rafał Gorzycki - "Dżety Miłości" for string orchestra ( 09.2020 )

Live recording from Word`s premiere performance of Rafał Gorzycki`s composition titled " Jets of Love " ... (comp. 2020)

Chamber Orchestra of Pomeranian Philharmony - Capella Bydgostiensis
Milosz Kula - conductor
Kamil Kęska - sound engineer, mix
Marcin Bocinski - mastering
Photo - Marek Hofman

Recorded live in Pomeranian Philharmonic Hall in Bydgoszcz/Poland

1) Watch the video on YT

2) Click and listen on SoundCloud

Rafal Gorzycki Ensemble XIII feat. Miho Iwata -    Live from JONF 2020

Watch the video on YouTube

Rafal Gorzycki - Utwory Pierwsze (cd 2019/2020)

1) "Smierc Pana S"  for soprano, viola, piano & electronics

audio - album version (SoundCloud)

video - World`s Premiere performance (YouTube)

Rafal Gorzycki - Classical Works

1. Rafal Gorzycki - "Oedipus"  for piano trio

( first movement)

2. Rafal Gorzycki - I String Quartet: Der Prozess

( first movement)

Rafal Gorzycki - Ensemble Tuning

1. Rafal Gorzycki/Tomasz Pawlicki/Jakub Ziolek -

Modi 6

2. Rafal Gorzycki/Tomasz Pawlicki/Jakub Ziolek - Parakula, quasi-kwadrat

Rafał Gorzycki - SYRIUSZ 

  1. SYRIUSZ AB Trojkat (audio)
  2. Syriusz - Koncert premierowy - MCK Bydgoszcz - 24.02.2017 (video)

  3. Syriusz B Ten Pan (video)

Rafał Gorzycki Trio - PLAYING

  1. full album (audio streaming) - listen to/posluchaj
  2. Egoless (video)

  3. PLaying , part 3 (video)

Gorzycki & Dobie - NOTHING

  1. Ballad for Joanna (audio)
  2. Full of... (audio)
  3. Full of (video)

Rafal Gorzycki and Sebastian Gruchot - EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 

  1. Classical Method (video)

  2. Indian Method (audio) - listen to/posluchaj


  1. zobacz video - Therapy , part 1

    zobacz video - Therapy , part 2

    zobacz video - Therapy , part 3

Video : Sing Sing Penelope live

  1. W arce (streaming)

Sing Sing Penelope "This is the music" 

  1. 3 Mini Song (8,5 MB)

Pater, Gorzycki, Wojtczak, Urowski "A-kineton" 

  1. A-kineton (10,70 MB)
  2. Bleak sun (7,60 MB)

Ecstasy Project "They were P" 

  1. NEW - Video - Robello (streaming)

  2. They were P (8,70 MB)
  3. Who is next (12,60 MB)

Sing Sing Penelope & DJ Strangefruit "Electrogride"

  1. NEW - Video - film dokumentalny: ELEKTROZGRZYT - SSP & DJ STRANGEFRUIT (streaming)

  2. Electrogride Part 1 (19 MB)
  3. Electrogride Part 5 (17 MB)
  4. Video - Sing Sing Penelope in Norway on Punkt Festival - Electrogride (streaming)

Pater, Kamiñski, Urowski, Gorzycki "Dziki Jazz"

  1. Video - Live in SJC Gliwice (streaming)

  2. Video - Live on Jazz Festival in Kologrzeg 07.2010 - Realium 1 (streaming)

  3. China Bass (8,40 MB)
  4. Shots on Missisipi (6,50 MB)
  5. The War (16,1 MB)

Rafał Gorzycki "Trio Poems"

  1. Wszelki wypadek (4,80 MB)
  2. A Tribute to Rafal Wojaczek (4,90 MB)
  3. Zdumienie I (3,06 MB)

Sing Sing Penelope & Andrzej Przybielski "Stirli People in Jazzga"

  1. W Arce (11,55 MB)
  2. Talkin` Part II (11,10 MB)

Ecstasy Project - "Reminiscence Europae"

  1. Audio CD - Reminiscence Europae (3.31 MB)
  2. Video DVD - Maestoso non troppo (streaming)

  3. Video DVD - Moderato Recitando (streaming)

Sing Sing Penelope - "We Remember Krzeselko"

  1. Third Man on the Moon (10.91 MB)

Ecstasy Project - "EUROPAE"

  1. Solo misterioso (1,40 MB)
  2. Moderato recitando (8,56 MB)
  3. Maestoso non troppo (6,67 MB)
  4. Andante con melanconia (5,01 MB) - nowy

Rafał Gorzycki "TVP Kultura- Kawałki Mózgu" 

  1. VIDEO: wywiad, koncert Ecstasy Project (99 MB)

Ecstasy Project - "Realium"

  1. Realium 1 (2,57 MB)
    Realium 2 (4,75 MB)
    Realium 5 (4,78 MB)
    Realium 7 (4,10 MB)

Sing Sing Penelope - "Music for Umbrellas"

  1. Chickens (3.91 MB)
  2. Walce bydgoskie (6,57 MB)
  3. Black Minority (4,36 MB)

Ecstasy Project - "Ecstasy Project"

  1. Florence (4,82MB)
  2. Christ (5,19MB)
  3. Plummet (2,11MB)

Sing Sing Penelope - "Sing Sing Penelope"

  1. Kabunga (5,28 MB)
  2. Struktury Pana B (12,52 MB)

Maestro Trytony - "Heart of Gold"

  1. Van Worden in Sierra
  2. Morena (4,71MB)
  3. Snowboarding Alchemysta  (4,87MB)
  4. Heart of Gold (5,09 MB)


  1. Red Eye of Mintaka - Rehersal jungle (5,85MB)
  2. Ecstasy Project - Ouro R.G. & Friends (4,12MB)
  3. Ecstasy Project - Indians R.G. & Friends (3,15MB)
  4. 3 Metry - Private Life (3,15MB)